> Jade: Write a Midnight Blog Post

Alexandria Christina Leal
4 min readApr 25, 2021

You’re not really sure if you want to do that.

> Check other options

Your other options include screaming about ADHD medication, feeling awful, and solving a jigsaw puzzle. But you’re currently not in the mood to do a Jigsaw puzzle, somehow.

> Drop the annoying Homestuck gimmick

In order to drop the annoying Homestuck gimmick, you’d have to let everyone know who they’re playing as, otherwise how would they even have a clue what’s going on?

> Let everyone know who they’re playing as

Your name is JADE HARLEY. You live in a small apartment in SEATTLE. You’re usually quite chipper o̸r̸ ̸a̸t̸ ̸l̸e̸a̸s̸t̸ ̸b̸e̸t̸t̸e̸r̸ ̸a̸t̸ ̸h̸i̸d̸i̸n̸g̸ ̸i̸t̸ but at the moment you’re still recovering from your LATEST BOUT WITH YOUR ADHD MEDS. Also, you haven’t FRONTED in like an entire year before last week. Or in singlet terms, you haven’t really fully FELT LIKE YOURSELF since before the PANDEMIC.

You have quite a number of INTERESTS, although the main ones occupying your time these days are GARDENING and ANYTHING COMPUTER RELATED. You also play SPACESHIPS AND SPREADSHEETS, a game your CANADIAN GIRLFRIEND introduced you to. You have not seen the majority of your ASSORTMENT OF PARTNERS AND FRIENDS in over a year and it fucking sucks.

You do not do well with ISOLATION do to some rather SILLY SOUNDING YET UPSETTING events in your past and some rather SERIOUSLY FUCKED UP events in your system’s past.

Thankfully, you have the best, fluffiest companion a girl could ask for: YOUR DOG, BECQUEREL

— —

It’s kind of been forever since I’ve updated this, and considering Fox and Wolf was originally supposed to fill in for my yearly random conference speech, that makes sense.

Sure, I intended to continue it; but after I got a job back in January it sort of dropped off my radar. Which is honestly kind of a shame because it was really enjoyable, which is why I’m writing it again. Although I guess this post is more of a “Dog and Dog” than a “Fox and Wolf”

Dog, I’m out of practice.

The normal, expected, and nonironic thing to do here would be to explain what’s happened since I last wrote a blog post. The thing I would have done last year would have been to just let my feelings gush out from the pen indiscriminately.

I think there’s value to that, for sure. Typing things out without editing is a defining characteristic of Dog and Dog. But it’s also true that when you’re used to not having privacy it’s very easy to get in the habit of thinking that your emotions are by default; freely available. That sounds, a lot more serious than how I intended it to be but the truth it conveys is true: people who don’t have in common the daily emotional turmoil and triumph that come from being a marginalized person and navigating the experience of being yourself and living in a world that fundamentally is not for you love to do emotional tourism.

And Beq agrees that I’m awesome and worth more than just my ability to convey my emotions in a way that resonates with people of privilege without making them feel as if they could be doing anything to improve my experience of the world, so.


So, I guess I’ll catch you all up to speed in my own style (and no, it won’t be a snapchat link)

It’s been, almost four full months since the start of 2021 and it’s been a ride.

  • As mentioned before, I got the job
  • I then proceeded to change my ADHD medication for the first time in years
  • I have the best workplace
  • Four months of screaming ensued
  • My long time boyfriend (Select * from BOYFRIENDS where BIRTHPLACE != TEXAS) wants to move in with me.
  • 10 years of my life were spent with fatigue from ADHD medication mismatch, it looks like.
  • Growling at the US political situation
  • I’m now able to actually socialize with people without being constantly exhausted
  • I got vaccinated!
  • Huh? Half those bullet points were about ADHD? Oh, yes they were.

In short, it sucks. Medication changes suck. The whole situation is just BLUH BLUH BLUH BLUH BLUH. But I’m getting through it, I will always get through it. (which, is very different from I have to always get through it. Yes I read my own character arc)

So those are The Facts but here’s what it’s actually been like these first few months

I customize shells and prompts for fun now
I said goodbye to my amazing coworkers and hello to new ones @ a place that sends out jigsaw puzzles. I am a sucker for jigsaw puzzles.
I have some bookshelves!!!
I have the best manager
Pack cookout
Please get vaccinated
The cat is back

Wait, record scratch. It’s only been a little over a MONTH since this?

I’m not the Witch of Time but I’m pretty sure pandemic time dilation is starting to decay back to normal time here and let me tell you it is a wild ride. Something tells me it’s going to be an eventful summer.



Alexandria Christina Leal

She/They, NAS TSEng, UW Foster Alumna. Enby Femme 🦊 Shapeshifter — Trans — Feminist — Survivor. Opinions mine alone. 💜 Alpha, @lizthegrey, & more! Av @hibbary